Conferences and workshops

October 18th, 2023, 11am
Cinema Visionario, via Asquini 33, Udine

Press conference presenting the Mind The Gap 7th edition project

With Augusta Eniti, Lorenzo Lazzari, Giada Centazzo and Rachele D’Osualdo
Press Office: Stefano Zucchini


October 19th, 2023, 6pm
Mediateca di Cinemazero, Palazzo Badini, Viale Mazzini 2, Pordenone

Press conference presenting the Mind The Gap 7th edition project

With Augusta Eniti, Lorenzo Lazzari, Giada Centazzo and Rachele D’Osualdo


November 9th, 2023, 6pm
Agorè, Associazione di Promozione Sociale, Corso Verdi 95, Gorizia

Presentation of the Mind The Gap 7th edition project

With Augusta Eniti


November 10th, 2023, 10am
Università Iuav di Venezia

Presentation of the Mind The Gap 7th edition project

With interventions by Augusta Eniti, Lorenzo Lazzari, Giada Centazzo, Silvi Naçi, Eva Giolo


November 16th, 2023, 6pm
Casa Cavazzini Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Via Cavour 14, Udine

Talk with artist Anouk Chambaz, in dialogue with Lorenzo Lazzari, curator, and Simone Furlani – University of Udine

In the occasion of the exhibition INTORNO AL GESTO / ON GESTURE
Mind The Gap 7th edition


9 > 14.01.2024, 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Agorè, Corso Verdi 95, Gorizia

Participatory art workshops of the Mind The Gap project in FVG schools

Public presentation on Thursday, Jan. 11, 6 p.m.

On display are videos of the workshops held by:

Enej Gala (2023), with students from ENFAP in Gorizia
Giulia Iacolutti (2022), with students from the Liceo Artistico E. Galvani high school in Pordenone
Caterina Erica Shanta (2021), with students from the Liceo Artistico E. Galvani high school in Pordenone
curated by ETRARTE

Andrea Trincardi, Altreforme (2023), with the students of the Punto Incontro Giovani in Udine
Cristian Natoli, Young for Fun (2022), with students from the E. F. Bellavitis Secondary School in Udine

Since its origins, Mind The Gap has complemented the main exhibition and numerous dissemination meetings with a series of workshop activities aimed at the world of schools and youth centers. This small exhibition at Agorè, Gorizia, aims to bear witness to these activities, which, while taking place “behind the scenes,” are a fundamental pillar of the project.

The workshops, led by professional or creative artists, differ from traditional art training: their goal is not so much to provide technical training or aesthetic and historical content related to the art world, but to stimulate emotional responses, intuitive thinking, social intelligence, collaboration, aesthetic perception, empathy, improvisation through the irruption of artistic thinking and making into students’ everyday lives.

Challenging themselves with common, short-term and well-defined goals even though unusual, the class group, led by the artist involved from time to time, is thus encouraged to express themselves creatively and to look at the space, tools, materials and people around them with an unprecedented gaze and a non-passive attitude.

Although all these workshops have an outcome in a video, they incorporate numerous practices belonging to contemporary artistic languages (performance, sculpture, writing, collective cinema…), also bringing the young people involved closer to a familiarity and barrier-free enjoyment of contemporary art.


Etiquette 2.0 

A series of puppets, to whose limbs charcoals are applied, leave clumsy traces of their movements controlled by inexpert hands on white-walled theatres. Freed from the canonical forms and roles of puppet theatre, these performative sculptures in power, but hostile to control, become improper instruments and ineffective prostheses of our bodies. The video documents their attempts, populating the screen with layered signs, like a terrarium packed with as yet unknown life forms.

Workshop by Enej Gala with ENFAP students from Gorizia, organised by ETRARTE.


Aurora, video

Focusing on a game of shots, close-ups and details, the camera chases the protagonist. Gradually, through a tight rhythm, we discover the place and the signs of its transformations: traces of vitality, which transform ‘non-places’ into relational and historical spaces.

Workshop by Andrea Trincardi in collaboration with Punto Incontro Giovani di Udine, curated by Altreforme.


L’altro (The other)

In an increasingly multicultural society, the short film emphasises the importance of solidarity and reminds us that the inclusion of the other means that the boundaries of the community are open to all.

Workshop by Enrique Carcione and Cristian Natoli in collaboration with the E. F. Bellavitis Secondary School, curated by Young For Fun, Gorizia.


Apri gli occhi (Open your eyes)

“Relatives of silence, gestures suit us inside the dwelling of psyche,” wrote the poet Marina Cvetaeva. Silence, gestures come to the rescue where the word of love requires a non-assertive language.

Workshop by Andrea Trincardi in collaboration with Liceo Caterina Percoto – Udine, curated by Altreforme.